Salt and Light Ministry (Young Adults)
Posted on September 8, 2021
Salt and Light Ministry (SALM) is a vibrant community of young adults (18-39 years old) at St. Michael’s. Their mission is to be the SALT of the earth and the LIGHT of the world (Matthew 5:13-16). Visit
Upcoming events:
Ladies! Are you interested in a Young Adult Women’s Bible Study? Look no further! Contact us at saltandlightyoungadults@ for more details. The upcoming dates are Thursday September 12th and September 26th at 7:30pm. We meet at Sandie’s house. - Gentlemen! Are you interested in a Young Adult Men’s Bible Study? Look no further! Contact Mike at for more details. We meet bi-weekly at St. Michael’s All Purpose Room at 7pm on Wednesday. Our next meeting is September 11th. We are currently reading Ecclesiastes. We also do the occasional movie night on the weekends.
If you would like to join our WhatsApp chat to stay updated please use this link: https://chat.whatsapp.
com/J8ui9y9ct6E2ZGzM8R0G4O? fbclid= IwAR33DyIpGpbUsJCG8XF4jjQSm5Bg r2hiJh5Fsif7_ FKU3DdfeR98y3WU1r0 ~ Please follow us on Instagram @saltandlightyoungadults and join our Facebook group: https:// frassatiannandale
Jean Nuñez | Faith Formation Chair
Julia Pipan | Social Event Chair
John Cosgayon | SALM Worship Chair
Colin Beach | Communications and Social Media Chair