St. Michael Choirs

Adult and Schola Choirs

Faith becoming music is part of the process of the Word becoming flesh.
– Pope Benedict XVI

Singing in the Choir is a beautiful way to serve our Lord Jesus Christ by becoming more involved in the Liturgy of the Mass. The Catechism (1156) states that: “The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value.”

Interested in joining us? New members always welcome, no previous experience required!

Please contact our Music Director, Sarah Shafer at 540-252-4472, or email

Here’s what our Choir Members have to say about their experience of singing in Choir here at St. Michael!

“Choir is important to my faith. It helps me understanding the teachings, gives me an appreciation for Tradition, and helps grow my faith in the Lord.”

“St. Michael’s is a really special place – everyone is very supportive of each other. I think we are all better when we are together – that’s what is so nice about singing in a choir, because we lift each other up to a higher level than we could achieve on our own.”

“Lent is almost for me hauntingly sacred – all the kinds of music that we sing brings you back into that time when Jesus was actually there suffering. I can’t help but cry.”

“The challenge is getting to the place where notes on the page become music, and where music becomes worship – it is the Holy Spirit in us that sings.”