Junior Choir
The Singing of the Church comes ultimately out of love… The Holy Spirit is love, and it is He who produces the singing.
– Pope Benedict XVI (The Spirit of the Liturgy, 142)
Singing in the Junior Choir is a way for children to enter more deeply into the beauty of the Mass, and to be a part of something greater than themselves. The value of singing at Mass is an experience which is simply unmatched by any other Choral experience. Singing in Choir is a way to deepen a child’s faith through Sacred Music, and promote a life-long love and devotion to the Mass.
Over the course of the year, we learn many beautiful songs to sing at Mass, in both English and Latin, including Gregorian Chant. Some of our children’s favorite songs are the numerous Christmas carols that we sing on Christmas Eve.
At the end of every practice, the Junior Choir learns about different composers, and listens to some of the beautiful Sacred Choral Music that they have composed from the Middle Ages to the present day.
Interested in joining us? New members always welcome, no previous experience required!
Please contact our Music Director, Sarah Shafer at 540-252-4472, or email sarahphimcecilia@aol.com