First Penance
The Arlington Diocese requires a two-year preparation period for the Sacrament of First Penance. The preparation for this sacrament is normally started in the First Grade. Students receive First Penance toward the end of the Second Grade. New students at the Second Grade level must have had one year of catechesis or pass a placement test.
Rite of Penance – Please use this with your child to practice “going to Confession.” Have your child recite the Act of Contrition every day. Your child will be given an oral assessment in February to determine if he/she will be ready to receive the sacrament in the spring.
Examination of Conscience – Please go over this with your child every night. In the preparation for First Penance, it is important that your child get into the habit of examining his/her conscience every night to determine the sins committed in thought, word, action, or omission (i.e., the failing to do a good work that should have been done).