Sacramental Preparation
The list of students who will be receiving First Penance, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation during the school year will be finalized at the beginning of each school year. Please note the required meetings, the documents, and the fees for each sacrament listed on pages 8 and 9 in the Religious Education Handbook. Documents and fees must be submitted to the Religious Education Office by October 31. If the required documents and fees are not submitted by October 31, the student will not be placed on the list to receive the sacrament(s) in the spring.
NOTE: to be placed on the list, students must be baptized by August 1 – one month before the beginning of the school year.
Parents/Guardians of students grade 3 through 8 who have not received the sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion. You will be given instructions and materials needed to help you prepare your child for these two sacraments.
Students at the High School level who have not received First Penance, First Holy Communion, and/or Confirmation must attend the RCIA classes on Saturday mornings to prepare for these sacraments.